| Sector | abcCrude Oil / Natural Gas / Mineral Fuels | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Assam - India | Ref.No | 79783088 | Closing Date | 31 - Jan - 2025 | | | Providing of Smart Natural Gas Prepaid Meters G 1 6 or upto G4 as per ITEM A 1 AS PER MR, INLAND TRANSPORTATION UPTO DELIVERY LOCATION AND OTHER COSTS INCIDENTAL TO DELIVERY OF GOODS FOR ITEM A 1, Services including Installation, Testing commissioning along with all the activities for Interfacing configuration of Smart Metering Managing Metering Data AS PER MR ITEM A 2 1, Services for Smart Metering Managing Metering Data comprehensive maintenance for 01 No upto 500 Nos AS PER MR ITEM A 2 2 1 1, Services for Smart Metering Managing Metering Data comprehensive maintenance for 501 nos upto 1000 Nos AS PER MR ITEM A 2 2 1 2, Services for Smart Metering Managing Metering Data comprehensive maintenance for 1001 upto 2000 Nos AS PER MR ITEM A 2 2 1 3 Qty6120 |
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